
Welcome to the Slayers Button Exchange! The SBE is a link exchange using a banner rotation for buttons instead of conventional text links. It's an awesome way to promote your own Slayers web site, making other fans of the series aware that your site exists.

NOTICE: Some time in April, the free rotation system that the SBE was using closed down unexpectedly and without any notice. While the rotation still worked, I was unable to log on to make any changes so the only option left was to install a new script. I took the opportunity to move the site to dramata.org since I had been meaning to for a while.

For all previous members of the SBE and anyone who tried to join before June 29, 2004, you will have to re-join the SBE and replace your old code with the new code found below. The reason as to why I re-started the member list is because many of the sites on it before were not longer being updated. Chances of the owners actually changing the codes would have been fairly slim. ^^; I figure that if they were still interested in staying with the SBE, they could just re-join.

If you'd like to link to the SBE, please use the following button! (Text links are fine too. ^^)


If you're interested in joining the Slayers Button Exchange, please read through the following rules and make sure that your site applies to each and every one before joining. If, for some reason, your site does not follow the rules, your application will be ignored.

01.) Your site must be about Slayers in some form or another.
02.) No anti-Slayers sites are permitted to join. *
03.) Your site must be easy on the eyes and easy to navigate.
04.) No broken links or images cluttering your site. Your site has to be completed before joining.
05.) No stolen content.
06.) Your information must be correct and canon to the series.
07.) Your site must be in English or have an English version.
08.) You must join with an 88x31 pixel button.

* - There are going to be some exceptions to this rule... Why Us? is a hatelisting but since it's not anti-Zelgadiss, anti-Lina or anti-Slayers, I've accepted it into the rotation.


If your site follows all of the rules, the next step is to add the SBE code to your web site. Please put the code up on an easy to find part of your site (ie: main page, links page, listed page, cliques/web rings, etc). There are two different codes that you can chose from; one with a text link back to the SBE and one with a picture link to the SBE, featuring your favourite character.

All you have to do is copy the code featured in the text boxes and paste it into your HTML, wherever you want the code to show up.

CODE 01: This code has a simple text link to the SBE, located under the button. No changes are required; just copy and paste the code onto your site.


CODE 02: This code is customizable; a picture of your favourite Slayers character is placed next to the button and when clicked, will take you back to the SBE. All you have to do is copy the code onto your site and replace "IMAGE GOES HERE" with the name of the image you want to use. The image name is located right underneath each picture. This is all that you have to change.












Slayers Button Exchange


After reading the rules and adding the code to your site, just fill out the following form and click submit to join. An e-mail will be sent to me with your info and I'll check out your site just to make sure it follows the rules. If everything checks out, I'll add you to the button rotation as well as the member list at this site and send an e-mail to you, letting you know you've been accepted. ^^

member list

The following is a list of members in the SBE. ^^ For members, if the information for your site URL or button changes in the future, please fill out the join form again to correct it. Thanks!

Chimera Kage Mysterious Ways Let's Fight! Greater Beast Destined Dragons Demonic Fiend Slayers In Detail Dragon Spooker Shrine Maiden SlayersFan.com Legacy of Darkness

DISCLAIMER: Slayers and all related materials are copyright © 1989 - 2004, Hajime Kanzaka and Rui Araizumi. I don't claim to own any of it. The Slayers Button Exchange, its content and layout, are copyright © 2000 - 2004, Tasuki. Please do not take anything without permission. Plagiarism is wrong!